landing weight

英 [ˈlændɪŋ weɪt] 美 [ˈlændɪŋ weɪt]




  1. Do you sell shipping weight or landing weight?
  2. The maximum takeoff and landing weight to be used for each type of aircraft;
  3. With the landing impact attenuation devices, area of parachute canopy, weight of recovery system and landing impact load could be greatly reduced, In these years, the technologies have been developed.
  4. As an aerospace equipment, the landing ladder not only needs to meet the demands of stiffness and strength, but also needs to meet the higher demands of the weight.
  5. The landing gear is one of the key components of aircraft, which could support the aircraft weight and absorb impact energy. The landing gear has great performance of strength, toughness, corrosion resistance, as well as fatigue resistance.
  6. It mainly includes successful landing mission statistics, landing-site selection principle summary, landing area characteristics research, selection strategies trend analysis, weight coefficient calculation and lunar terrain reconstruction.
  7. Through study of the problem by differential equation and digital simulation, it shows that movement of aircraft carrier inflicts much extra load on landing gear; arrest force is more sensitive to landing velocity than landing weight.